Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout is my review of the effects of milk on uric acid. Specifically, it compares milk protein and soy protein supplements.

Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout Audience

I wrote Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout for GoutPal Herbalists. Herbalists are gout sufferers who want to control uric acid using herbal gout medicines and supplements. You can check which type of gout sufferer you are at Questions for Gout Sufferers.

Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout

In Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout, I give my layman’s view of Garrel and colleagues 1991 study[1]. It compares the effects on uric acid of supplementation with 2 milk proteins. Then compares with a soy protein supplement.

Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout Report

The introduction summarizes raised uric acid as associated with heart disease, death, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance. Then, it introduces proteins. Specifically, two milk proteins: calcium caseinate, and lactalbumin (whey protein); plus a soybean isolate supplement. The soy supplement was made from Bariatrix soy flour. Also, each supplement provided 80g protein. Note that the study excludes gout sufferers, being an investigation of 10 healthy volunteers.

Soy Milk and Gout

The results show that both milk proteins significantly reduced uric acid in the blood. Conversely, soy protein increased uric acid. All three supplements improved uric acid excreted in urine (uricosuric).

So, we can say with confidence that two common milk protein supplements are good for gout. But be careful if you want to apply this to full milk. Because full milk also contains fats. So, you need to monitor full milk intake to avoid excess weight.

Milk Protein, Soy Protein & Uric Acid

Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout Summary

The authors speculate about why milk proteins reduce uric acid. Especially compared to the opposite effect from soy protein. But, the cause is unclear. Then, they cite another study showing uric acid reduction from milk protein[2]. In summary, the conclusion from this uric acid study is clear:

proteins have an acute uricosuric effect in man, in agreement with earlier studies. In addition, we found that proteins of milk origin decrease serum uric acid concentrations.

Finally, the authors note that long-term effects of milk proteins on uric acid need to be explored.

Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Your Gout?

Now, you can see that milk proteins are good for lowering your uric acid. So, you can discuss how best to use milk proteins with your herbalist or other health professional. You can also discuss milk proteins, or any aspect of your gout, in the gout forum. But if you don’t like forums, please use the Feedback Form below.

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Soy Milk or Whey Protein For Gout References

  1. Garrel DR, Verdy M, PetitClerc C, Martin C, Brulé D, Hamet P. Milk- and soy-protein ingestion: acute effect on serum uric acid concentration. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Mar;53(3):665-9.
  2. Loffler W, Grobner W, Zollner N. Influence of dietary protein on
    serum and urinary uric acid. Adv Exp Med Biol l980;122A:209- 13.

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